
Do you ever sit back and wonder why only few people are successful in life? What it takes to be successful person and what kind of mindset they have? How can we foster success? A research says to foster success one needs to adopt a holistic approach to build his mindset, what scholars term it 'Growth Mindset '. The term 'Growth Mindset' was originally coined by Carol Dweck, a psychologist, professor and researcher at Stanford University, in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.    According to Dweck, a person demonstrates a growth mindset when they believe they're not limited by inherent traits or abilities. Instead they have the capacity to learn, grow and improve.  It is the power of our beliefs, be it conscious or subconscious, it strongly affect on what we want and whether we succeed in getting it. This strong set of beliefs propels us and prevents us from fulfilling our potential. But how does one develop this growth mindset at a workplace? Diving D